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MELSIG – Creative Lecture Capture, Webinars & Screencasting #MELSIGUoN

[I will be live blogging from this event and cleaning up my post later.  Please feel free to comment and share the link to this blog.  All feedback and corrections welcomed]
The event investigates how live and recorded video are being used creatively in higher education to promote learner engagement. Digital media developments have appeared to compound existing approaches to teaching and learning, rather than transform them. Looking more deeply the event will demonstrate how the Flipped Classroom, asynchronous access to rich content, and making technology more accessible to diverse producers, for example, is changing the learning landscape.
The focus of this event relates to ongoing MELSIG interests:
  • the opportunities of digital and social media to enhance learning
  • user-generated content and the use of digital media by diverse people
  • alternative modes of assessment and feedback
  • active engagement and inclusion throughout the formal and informal university experience
  • academic and professional standards
  • digital literacy and professionalism
  • enhancing and transforming the learner experience and academic practice.

Interesting introduction to hear where Nottingham are and where they want to head.

Introduction to MELSIG – Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group.

Focus on Digital and social media.

  • Sharing Practice 
  • Generating Ideas 
  • Asking Questions]Ideas and risky thinking 
  • Innovation and change
  • Digital – share, create, communicate, curate
  • Social – Network, co-operate, collaborate
  • Personal or Institutional??
  • Rich – video, voice and viewpoint
  • Connected – always on, accessible
  • Open – redefining the spaces and approaches we use for learning
  • Authentic, ubiquitous, informal shift?

Video shown to us from lecturer delivering a lecture directly to camera. Interesting to see advert for monetisation was on.

Rough and ready videos are ok.

Videos are a starting point of learning.

Book: Digital Voices from MELSIG community free from site if you then promote to your community.

Innovation at the University of Nottingham 

1. Faculty case study -Dr Sally Chappell, Lecturer in Human Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences

NHS training scheme – difficult to deliver on NHS timetable and university timetable.

  • Idea was that they would deliver a distance learning course running along a workbook.
  • Initially run as blended learning.
  • Recorded material and uploaded to Moodle
    • NHS firewalls and PC availability caused issues.
  • Provided all students with iPads (3G model)
    • Student can add their own sim card
  • Recorded lectures packages into iBooks
Lessons Learned:
  • Keep it short
    • Display video length
      • Allows student to plan their time to watch.
  • iBooks – pros and cons
    • Great for these students as they are provided with iPads
    • Wider application might be an issue as not everyone will have a mac device.
  • Software for recording
    • Initially used software shipped with macs – might not be shipped these days
    • Debut video capture is now being used.
Module introduction delivered via video.
Student videos?
Looking a – allows up to 15 minutes for free.
Using green screen to add extra level of professionalism to video.

How does this relate to their campus based teaching?
This isn’t that different from the flipped classroom

Used nearpod to test understanding

Recorded lectures will be scrutinised!  Students will pick it apart – but this is ok – [use it as points to develop on].

2. Lecture Capture–Ian Pearshouse, Service Owner – Lecture Capture 

Started back in 2008/9
Opt in service
Integrated to Moodle
Using Echo

Delivering to UK, China and Malaysia
Being captured on 3 campuses

Still opt in
All staff and modules are registered on the system be default.
Have 300 lecture cap rooms:

  • 22 hardware – SCHD
  • 278 software – Classroom capture
Going from 8 to 10 Tb of Storage TODAY
All Captures started from PC interface
Approx 200 events being captured per week
Peak views in one week – 12,632
Peak is pre-exam
Looking at 7000 events by end of this academic year.

Have installed a Student feedback Video Diary Booth in the SU.

Where are they going?

  • Project to investigate a step change in scale
    • All lectures captured by default globally
    • Move to an opt OUT
  • Still 300+ rooms (UK)
  • Potentially 4000 events per week (UK)
  • Peak capture rate 300Mb/s
Why are they doing this?
Big push from the students union – student experience
13% of students using lec cap said they might be less likely to attend is being captured – not lazy – other life events
90% saw it as benefit to their learning.
Academic opinion 
From Don’t want any of my lectures captured to capture them all
Do you set the lecture capture to automatically start or require the lecturer to start it?
How long do you retain the content? 3,4,5 years? Some staff want it deleted after 12 months
Do you capture the students on the video?
Accessibility? Subtitles?

[Will be very interesting to follow UoN over next few months]

3. Webinars: Inside and outside the institution – Helen Whitehead, Learning Technology Consultant

What do we call Webinars / Screencaptures etc?

Using Adobe Connect and Google Hangouts

Webinar – important to have an element of interactivity

Choosing the technology:

  • What kind of Webinar?
  • Who/where are the attendees?
  • Is there a F2F event involved or is it just online?
  • What tech do you have available?
  • How reliable is the tech?
  • What support is there?
  • Can is by synchronous or asynchronous? 
  • Keep topic & title interesting attractive and short
  • Invite guest speakers if appropriate
  • Marketing, invitations and registration
    • registration helps provide a stake in attending
  • Reminders and instructions for joining
  • Location, system, lighting, audio, wifi
  • Test, test, test, test again
  • Rehearse
  • Test
  • Host and speakers should join early
  • Play music prior to start and / or have a countdown timer
  • Have a welcome message -mention setup
  • Upload documents and test links
  • Speaker/s [presenters]
  • Chair [host]
  • Moderator
  • Short
  • Simple
  • Interactive
[Best tips to be shared on twitter 10:52 GMT – mine would be to use a headset with mic]
Students seem to find text chat a bit old hat.

At the start:

  • Allow for arrival time
  • Registration
  • Saying hello
  • Load the presentation in advance
  • Keep it visual
  • Use a whiteboard where appropriate [Padlet also]
  • Receive live feedback
  • Keeps audience engaged
Manage the audio – usually best to only have speaker’s audio live.
Manage the discussion – sometimes means stopping people

Innovation in the region

1. Thinking Creatively with Video: MyCAT does not pussyfoot about –

Bev Cole, Mark Hetherington, Dario Faniglione, Birmingham City University

Allows quick online publishing of rich media enhanced learning content.

Using Kaltura, Mediasite, Screencast-o-matic BigBlueButton

(Also using a virtual town)

Do not do much live streaming of lectures – mostly key notes and graduation.

Monthly staff competition to win a tech device (?iPad?) for use of MyCAT.

Solution (MyCAT)

  • Easy upload of media assets
  • Automation (i.e. video transcoding & file storage)
  • Drag and drop interface and quick web publishing
  • Asset (media) management and default institutional sharing
Submitting media files (video) via API to Kaltura.
Given a demonstration of MyCAT – good application.  Well thought out and implemented.

2. Using lecture capture technologies to support peer-to-peer feedback among first-year Fashion students in a studio-based learning environment – 

Ann Draycott, Rob Higson, and Glenn McGarry, University of Derby

Were using iPad to film feedback to students.

Used Blackboard and Panopto (already in use at Derby)

Using a lec cap solution in ways not intended (panopto)

Allowed students to record on iPad and upload to a panopto ‘Dropbox’ area. Can be set for student to only see their own or allow all in area to see all.
Because students were feeding back on other students they were allowed to see all submission.
Students could then feedback on the feedback given.

Created video guides on how to use the capture application
Created handouts / posters
Held f-2-f sessions on why this is important and what they needed to cover

Usual tech issues at start – wifi access, file size, access to iOS device (no capture app on android) etc.

3. Emerging practice with webinars for blended and online learning –

Calum Thomson (University of Salford) & Rod Cullen (Manchester Metropolitan University). 

The use of webinars to support blended and online learning has increased slowly but surely at both MMU and University of Salford over the past two years. This has presented both opportunities and challenges to those colleagues who have taken the plunge.

Calum and Rod have undertaken a series of one-to-one interviews with colleagues delivering webinars to explore their experiences and to try and identify emerging good practice with this exciting technology.

1998 def. of Webinar was emphasis on online presentation with interaction.
Today def. is wider than just presentation.

Don’t plan to present, plan to engage.

Using Gilly Salmon 5 stage model.

iTunesU Special Focus Panel

Terese Bird (University of Leicester), Peter Robinson (Oxford University) and Graham McElearney (University of Sheffield) will each give a short presentation and compare their experience of leading the adoption of iTunesU at their institutions. The presentations will each reflect on what has been done, by whom, and will discuss:

  • How academics and students have responded
  • How iTunesU has affected innovation in teaching and learning

Oxford University:

Ran a website in parallel with iTunesU.  Large library of content 5000+ Hours and 23+ M downloads.

Anyone can go and download the content.

Anyone in the university [I guess staff] can upload and publish their own content.

University of Leicester

Open educational resources

Published on iTunesU

First year that they are rolling out Lecture Capture

How to get staff on board?
Have a meeting with a free lunch!
Demo to key people
Share success stories
Offer hand holding
Keep after them

Launched Easter 2013

Modest resources.

Hosting content on YouTube then moving to iTunesU if popular in some areas.

Purchased every undergraduate medical student an iPad.  Allowed quick delivery of course books / learning material.

Lecture capture was spurred on from petition from the students union.

University of Sheffield

Developed with their Marketing Dept.

Why are they doing it?
A responsibility to share knowledge with the world.
To raise the international profiles of individuals, their discipline, department and the University.
No Previous exp. of OERs

Their vision – [Take diversity of excellence and celebrate in digital form]

Excellence in…
Public engagement
Supporting the Student Experience
Student Generated Materials

First content – 200 screencasts
Using echo 360 personal capture addon

Staff don’t allow students to plagiarise so why should they when producing presentations?

Workshop 1: Using Video to Capture Learning

In this workshop two 15 minutes presentations will discuss how video is being used to capture and share learning. Participants will then share their own experience and discuss issues relating to putting students and their work in front of the camera

Running Video Assessments – 

Ellie Kennedy and Helen Puntha, Nottingham Trent University Student videos form the assessment for the online NTU Sustainability Certificate. Ellie and Helen will discuss how online video assessment works on the course and how videos made by last year’s course participants are being used to create sustainability-related materials for general teaching purposes.
Videos are used without the course to get students used to using videos.
Students created sustainability awareness for their final assessment.  Incentives and a final competition award was used to keep students engaged.
Some students refused to submit to the assessment because it was a video.  Next time they will allow students to choose media format (poster leaflet video etc.)

Exploring the value and use of recorded student presentations

Alex Spiers, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine LSTM have recently purchased a site wide licence for Panopto Lecture Capture software and provide all students at the school with an account. Students on the Clinical Challenges in Tropical Medicine course have to work in groups to create, present and record weekly presentations on specific topics using Panopto and Office 365 software. This case study will examine how the video recordings have been used as well as finding out student perceptions of the impact of these tools on their learning

Currently working with a small group of students (15)
Record student lead seminars
Weekly formative group presentations

Using Turning Point Clickers
Every Student at the School HAS to purchase a clicker (refunded at the end of course).

Using OneDrive
–Online collaboratively created Powerpoints
Using Panopto
–If it moves it’s captured

All recordings made available within 48 hours.

Staff & students have the option to not be recorded – at LSTM no one has done this.

  • 93 recordings
    • 17 Lectures
    • 47 Group Presentations
    • 12 Topic intros
    • 16 Case Reviews
    • 8 Other
337 hours watched
Some students not happy with some sessions as student contribution to conversation not picked up on recording.

Special Focus Parallel workshops

The Good Practice Exchange

Eleanor Livermore, MMU discusses creating film resources to promote good academic
practice. Eleanor collects interviews with MMU staff about their teaching ideas and projects.
[Subtitles edited after auto attempted]

Great resource – open to everyone.

Get involved!!! participatory bite-size CPD, cross-institutional examples from practice

Chrissi Nerantzi, MMU Introducing this UK webinar programme, what’s involved

Perception is that academics do not engage with CPD but this is not true with more non formal CPD.

Started from a blended learning approach to academic CPD.

Webinar sessions had double the attendance – even though some sessions were outside working day.

Multiple HEIs have now joined together to collaborate and share good practice.

Using Adobe Connect. Not requiring registration so tracking is hard.

9 webinars
188 participants in total
(21 per webinar)
recorded views: 394 to end of 2014

Tweetchats 2015 – Wednesday nights LTHE chats.

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