Being delivered by Simon Booth and Stephen Vickers.
IMS Website for certification:
This includes a catalogue of certified applications: also list some LTI apps but they are not all LTI nor are they all certified!
Going to look today at:
- Turnitin
- Scribblar
- Atomic Learning
The buildingblock itself assigns where in your on page menu it appears.
LTI doesn’t allow for membership detail sharing – BuildingBlocks do.
Tii BulidingBlock shown is clunky and not well done (double menu bars etc.)
Now looking at example of Turnitin LTI integration.
Depending on the global setting on Blackboard, any member of staff can add in an LTI tool using the add web link and clicking ‘This link is to a Tool Provider.’ (extra details required now show).
Next screen allows you to choose what data can be shared etc.
The administrator can register provider domains.
This allows for placement of the LTI tool in the on page menu, icon etc.
Very nice integration with Turnitin
With LTI there is no code being added to the server.
Tool Providers can give you ‘Customised Parameters’ so for example in scribblar you can define the shared room you want users to end up in.
LTI 1.2 and 2.0 will give greater service integration.
Atomic Learning
Best way to integrate is using the LTI tool.
Can define how / where LTI tools launch – iFrame, overlay, popup etc.
Enabling the Mashup function allows you to add the LTI tool within a content item’s text as a link.
Not sure how the different launch options will work on mobile app of Blackboard – NEED TO TEST THIS.
LTI 1.2 is going to be more of a stepping stone to LTI 2.0
Benefits for use of LTI
- Single implementation – will work on multiple VLE platforms.
- LTI implementation is added to your application
- Simple specification to implement
- No Code (building block) added to VLE
- Simple to define LTI tool make make available to staff
- Allows quicker addition of tools
- Simple to set up
- Can add tools themselves (depending on admin settings)
- Graded activity can be held in grade centre.
- Everything managed within the VLE
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